I ran away from Vienna to China for a little while this winter, forgetting to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s and instead jumping into a whole new culture. I left my digital camera behind and brought my Canon AF-1 (which sadly broke in Xi’An en cours de route and is now getting fixed, so I …
This summer, I went to Trieste various times on short, weekend trips. Because there was little time for sightseeing, I only took a (borrowed) Lomo LC-A with me. I can’t quite remember which film I stuck in there, most probably a Kodak-something at 200 ISO.
My two summer activities when I was a kid were photography and horse riding. Some months ago, I came across old negatives of photos I took and developed in the dark room when I was about 9 or 10 years old. Of course, I archived all that material terribly, not keeping it safe and sound …
Once in a while, I even take my analog camera to meetings with friends and lovers. And that’s what you get.
At the beginning of the month, I headed to Finland for a poetry workshop. For once in a very long time I decided to take only analog cameras. Cameras: Canon AF-1 50mm & Lomo LC-A Film: Lomo Slide X-Pro 200 ISO (cross-processed) & Kodak 200 ISO
One of my favorite songs of all time might be I Can Feel A Hot One by Manchester Orchestra. It gets me every time, gets me so terribly sad. It’s a very beautiful love song about someone who has died. The blood was dry, it was sober The feeling of audible cracks And I could …
looking for nature in parks and through windows.
So we don’t forget the warmth of summer.
Sadness. theories on abandonment. desperation. I took these in crooked buildings and empty places.
It’s really quite a thing that I have had this sitting in my kitchen for 5 days and it hasn’t been opened and tested yet. I am a big lover of analog photography (my finances disapprove of that when I go shutter-crazy, think Argentina trip 2005: 2 weeks, 13 planes, 5 locations and 25 rolls …